Outcomes’10 receives the Certificate of Innovative Company at the national level

18 Nov 2021

Today our team has received the Innovative Company Certificate awarded by the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain. It is a certification that uses blockchain technology and that aims to give visibility to national innovation.

“Innovation is one of the fundamental pillars of our company, this new certification supports it and allows us to connect with companies like us that offer innovative solutions and adapt to changes in the healthcare environment” says Susana Aceituno, associate director of Outcomes’10.

Through this certification, issued by the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE), it is intended to generate a public access registry in which all innovative companies at the national level will appear.

“This certificate, which will be available to be consulted by organizations and entities from different national and international fields, will be registered through public access to the APTE blockchain network,” they explain from Espaitec in a statement.

The objective of this initiative is to use blockchain technology for the certification of Spanish companies and entities characterized by innovation. “In this way, it is intended to create the largest registry of innovative Spanish companies and entities to give them the greatest possible visibility, as well as provide them with the added value of facilitating a certification as an innovative entity and the ability to demonstrate it to any body that requests it” they add.

Upon obtaining this certification, we receive an official seal that we have already published on our website, so that any user can consult the information related to the APTE Outcomes’10 innovation certificate.

Outcomes'10 receives the Certificate of Innovative Company at the national level

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