Outcomes’10 holds its first Virtual Meeting How will health care be organised post-COVID
Outcomes’10 held its first Virtual Meeting last Friday, 8th May 2020, in which several experts met to discuss how health care will be organised in the post-COVID period.
In the event that was moderated by Luis Lizán, director of Outcomes’10, experts of great national relevance participated, such as:
- Dr. Gerardo Cajaraville. Head of Hospital Pharmacy. Onkologikoa Foundation in Donostia
- Dra. Maria Victoria Mateos. Haematology Service. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Salamanca
- Dr. Ángel Luis Guerrero. Headache Unit Coordinator. Hospital Universitario de Valladolid
- Dr. Fernando Rivera. Head of the Medical Oncology Service. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
First, there was a review of the response by professionals and the health system in general to this crisis, unprecedented in decades. As our speakers pointed out, one of the immediate consequences of the reorganisation of the health sector will be the implementation of eHealth. And they referred to various initiatives that had already been launched, such as telemedicine, with considerable success from both the clinicians’ and patients’ point of view.
They also discussed how the relationship between professionals and the pharmaceutical industry is going to change, in the sense of it being much more virtual and how continuous training can be adequately carried out remotely, advocating a mixed model for the future.
Our experts showed no fear that the research priorities that have been developed over the last few years would be changed by the coronavirus crisis and they remain confident that oncology, rare diseases, oncohaematology and neurological and degenerative diseases, among others, will continue to be a priority in the future.
In conclusion, they offered an optimistic message about the great response that the health system as a whole had achieved and proposed to analyse all the necessary criticisms once the pandemic was over.
If you want more information about the speakers or see the recording of the event you can do so from the event page.